2009年11月11日 星期三

GuideLines on IB Visual Arts Assessment

l IB Assessment

Option A

Higher level (HLA) (240 hours)

Standard level (SLA) (150 hours)

Studio work (60%)

l Studio refers to the studio work the student selects for inclusion in the candidate record booklet. Studio work involves practical exploration and artistic production.

l External Assessment: The student prepares a selection of his or her studio work in the form of an exhibition. This is externally assessed by a visiting examiner following an interview with the student about the work.

144 hours

90 hours

Investigation workbooks (40%)

l Investigation refers to the selection of pages from the investigation workbooks for inclusion in the candidate record booklet. Investigation work involves independent contextual, visual and critical investigation and reflection, both visual and written.

l Internal Assessment: The student presents selected pages of his or her investigation workbooks that have been produced during the course. This selection is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBO at the end of the course.

96 hours

60 hours

An Interview with External Examiner

During the interview, the examiner will encourage the student to talk about the technical aspects of the studio works, his or her own aims or intentions, and the relationship between the studio works and the investigation workbooks. The discussion should focus on the student’s experiences in making the studio works exhibited and how these relate to the investigation work undertaken. The student is not expected to make a prepared speech.

30-40 minutes

20-30 minutes

l Candidate record booklet / Visual Journal

1. The candidate record booklet must contain:

I. · a statement by the student (no more than 300 words. Describe briefly in his or her artistic growth and development throughout the course. He or she should illustrate these insights with specific examples.)

II. related to studio work and the investigation workbooks

III. · a short written comment by the teacher

IV. · a photographic record of the selected studio work

V. · A4 copies of the selected investigation workbook pages.

VI. Two additional photographs of the overall exhibition should be provided for inclusion in the candidate record booklet. The two photographs can be taken at the time of the interview. This can provide a useful record of the exhibition.

VII. The student must select carefully the stated number of copied investigation workbook pages and ensure that the work meets all the assessment criteria. It is important that the student includes pages that demonstrate how his or her investigation led to the development of some of the studio works photographed for inclusion in the candidate record booklet. The selection can include some consecutive pages. It is also important that students demonstrate evidence of:

n · their investigation and strategies for organizing its content

n · first-hand responses to such content

n · exploration of ideas both visually and in writing.

Option A

Studio 60%

External Assessment

Investigation 40%

Internal assessment

Higher level

Selection of 12-18 photographs representing the works produced

25-30 A4 size copies of workbook pages

Standard level

Selection of 812 photographs representing the works produced

1520 A4/letter-size copies of workbook pages

