2010年4月24日 星期六

Requirements on Art PortfolioComparisonByzantine Art

Requirements on Art PortfolioComparisonByzantine Art
April 17, 2010

In Reserch workbook:
•1.exploration and development of theme/ideas
•2.interpretation of artworks and its articulation with art-making/critical studies
•3.experimentation of media and skills and exploration of ways of expression
•4.reflection and profession in learning

In the 2 art pieces (on one theme)
•1.Media, skills and techniques
•2.visual presentation
•3.relationship with context
•4.creativity & imagination
•5.overall presentation and communication of the theme
•6.progression of the 2 pieces of work

•Since May 1st is a public holiday,
•the presentation sessions will also take place on May 4th and 5th after school.
•Every student in this visual art class MUST attend these two sessions, even if s/he is not presenting on these two days.
•You will be required to fill up a form to judge other students’ presentation.

Writing comparison ---Why?
•-a way of discovering (e.g. compare two subway stations (considering the efficiency of the pedestrian patterns, the amenities, and the aesthetic qualities) -à understand both more fully
•But comparing a subway station with a pancake house may not be so helpful…

•Art historians use comparison to
•Help dating an art piece
•Help identifying the authentic artist of an art piece

How to organize a comparison?
•Or somewhat in between:
•Block-by-block (but also mentioning/referring to art piece A a little bit, when writing the details of art piece B.)

Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来 (Historical Buddha)
by Zen’en BusshiDated +1225, Wood, H = 29.0 cmTreasure of Todaiji Temple, Nara

Yuan Dynasty Wood Sculpture of
Seated Kuan Yin
DATE CREATEDca. 1279-1369

The Buddha, recognizable by a bump at the forehead to indicate a sort of supermind, sits erect and rigidly in the lotus position (legs crosses, each foot with the sole upward on the opposing thigh), in full control of his body. The carved folds of his garments, in keeping with the erect posture, are rigid, forming a highly disciplined pattern that is an outward expression of his remote, constrained, austere inner nature. The bodhisattva, on the hand, sits in a languid, sensuous posture known as “royal ease,” the head tilted downard, accessible, relaxed, and compassionate.

“翶翔的法國人”, artist: Christ Plays, 8M high and 2M wide
Artist started working on this in 1989, and completed in 1992 April,
Nike Of Samothrace Discovered In 1863 A Missing Hand Was Found In 1950 Work Dated About 190 B.C. 8’1” high, Victory has just landed on a prow to crown a victor at sea. Her wings still beat, and the wind sweeps her drapery. It was placed in a fountain of splashing water.

Artist: Christ Plays
8M high and 2M wide
Artist started working on this in 1989, and completed in 1992 April,
Nike Of Samothrace Discovered In 1863 A Missing Hand Was Found In 1950 Work Dated About 190 B.C. 8’1” high, Victory has just landed on a prow to crown a victor at sea. Her wings still beat, and the wind sweeps her drapery. It was placed in a fountain of splashing water.

